No Matter what model you choose
Save time & Money with the
20 Reasons to use the Econo-Slab ;
1. Reduced excavation costs
2. Reduced foundation costs
3. One concrete delivery required
4. One drying period
5. Ideal for remote locations or agricultural installations
6. Ease of construction
7. Reduced use of materials
8. Speed of construction is dramatically improved
9. Suitable for all seismic conditions 10. Single source control
11. No hidden costs
12. Dimensionally stable for ease of installation
13. Eliminate frost penetration & moisture concerns
14.Ideally suited for use with in-floor radiant heating systems
15. Pre-engineered “Econo-Slab” ships ready to install
16. Eliminate hydrostatic water pressure problems
17. Proven technology and fully engineered
18. Sealed Engineer stamped drawings provided
19. Manufactured with state-of-the-art-technology
20. Environmental, Leed and Green product